Wednesday, February 9, 2011

EOC Week 5: Best and Worst Superbowl Commercials

If we are discussing the 2011 Super Bowl Commercials, best and worst I think we should start with the best. In my opinion it has to be the Volkswagen ‘Darth Vader’ commercial. I have to admit my take on why I enjoyed this one so much has nothing to do how funny it was or anything like that. It was the sound! Or should I say the lack of sound. The commercial had no dialogue and was solely dependent on its soundtrack. The entire commercial was based on music that moved the story along. The music rises and falls to create feeling and movement that you do not typically see in commercials anymore. It had humor, and really portrayed the vision from a child’s perspective. The interaction between the objects and the child were fantastic. Check it out <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>.  This commercial will definitely stand the test of time as being one of the best.  Well since we talked about he best commercial, lets look at the worst. The Go Daddy commercial featuring Danica Patrick and Jillian Michaels was just so cliché and dumb. I have to admit that I think most of their commercials are bad, but this one really tanked. I understand they are trying to capitalize on Patrick’s and Michael’s sex appeal but really what was the point. It was just a re-hash of all the other “naked” girl commercials they do that really go nowhere. Until I actually went to their site, I was not really sure of the services they provided. I love beautiful women just as much as the next guy, but this is just ridiculous. Maybe it would have been good if they would have done a spin off the previous commercials. No sense of creativity shown. <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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