When discussing a companies objectives one must think of where these objectives come from. The “broad mission leads to a hierarchy of objectives, including business objectives and marketing objectives.” (Marketing an Introduction, Armstrong/Kotler, pg. 9 of 43) The mission statement we wrote wants to create a pleasant immediate environment while remaining environmentally friendly. To achieve this we will spend money in R&D. “Research and design is expensive and requires improved profits to plow back into research programs.”(Marketing an Introduction, Armstrong/Kotler, pg. 9 of 43) So we need to be profitable to achieve our goals for our company. We must create profitable relationships with our customers that will drive the need for our product. Our objectives will drive the need for eco-friendly solutions to making rooms, cars, gym lockers, and the like to have a need to be freshened by Febreeze Sport Extreme Odor Eliminator. Our objectives include men being taken seriously through advertisements and an overall re-teaching our society that men care about their environment and themselves. Men will no longer be sweaty animals that could care less about our eco-system. They will be looked upon as compassionate, intelligent, and clean smelling.
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